Indoor Golf Lounge
Why a Simulator?
In case you wondered what exactly the new golf simulators here at Willow Wood GC can do to improve your game, Read on!
Using YOUR clubs not only can you use the practice range to improve swing you can ACTUALLY SEE realtime shot stats such as:
FACE ANGLE. This number refers to the horizontal direction in which your club face points at impact. ...
CLUB PATH. This number signifies the direction in which you swing the club. ...
IMPACT LOCATION. ...Where you actually hit the ball, Left, right or center
LOW POINT. ...Reveals whether you make contact with the ball before or after hitting the ground.
CARRY. ...This number simply indicates the distance your ball travels before landing on the ground.
Our TrackMan radar tracks a ball from impact to landing. Using the TrackMan app, you’ll be able to track your shot with accuracy; the amazing app keeps a history of your data to see how far you’ve hit your shots, how you’re progressing, and what needs work. Right now.